
The Council of the Club consists of 10 Ordinary and 5 Associate Members. Councillors serve three year terms, with 5 retiring by rotation each year and being replaced by 5 Members elected at the AGM in September.
Sometimes an extra Member is co-opted for his or her expertise at the Chair’s discretion.

There are in addition three non-voting Members of Council: the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and the Club Secretary, who is also the CEO of Chelsea Arts Club Trading Limited. These officers are appointed by the Council, which also elects its own Chair and Vice Chair.

Council’s main work is done through its sub-Committees, for Art, Membership and Discipline. The Chair, Vice Chair, Club Secretary, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are ex officio members of all sub-committees.

Council also feeds back Members’ views on the work of the Trading Company, to which the operations of the Club are delegated.

The full governance structure of the Club can be seen by clicking here.

The Art Committee selects Members’ work for display in the Club’s exhibition spaces: the Billiards Room, the Corridor, the Cabinet and the Fifth Plinth. On occasion two separate shows are hung on the north and fireplace walls of the Billiards Room.

Submissions from Members wishing to exhibit in the Club are always welcome. The Committee sits down once a year, normally in January or February, to select shows for the coming 12 months. Do remember that their’s is an entirely personal selection of works for Members to enjoy – it is in no sense a judgement.

If you would like to submit your work for consideration, please watch out for the annual call for submissions. You can find more information on our Exhibition Submissions Page.

The Membership Committee recommends Candidates for Election to Council. Members of the Committee continuously scrutinise proposals received and recommend Candidates to be invited to the monthly Selection Meetings.

The Discipline Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Club’s disciplinary procedures are adhered to. All formal complaints from Members are investigated, with the due process set out in the Club’s rules being scrupulously followed.

The Trustees of the Club are appointed by the Membership at the AGM. They hold the shares in the Club’s trading subsidiary, Chelsea Arts Club Trading Limited, on behalf of the Members; and they are the shareholders in, and Directors of, the Club’s other subsidiary, Chelsea Arts Club Limited, which holds the lease on 143-5 Old Church Street.

The Trading Board is the Board of Chelsea Arts Club Trading Limited. It is composed of three External, two Club and three ex officio Directors.

External Directors are men and women of relevant professional expertise who offer their wisdom and advice pro bono.

The Club Directors are appointed from amongst the Members to represent the views and interest of their fellow Members.

The Chair and Honorary Treasurer of the Club and the Chief Executive of the Company serve as Directors ex officio.